Hello! I'm an art/film student and I currently reside in California. This is pretty much a notebook or corkboard to bounce ideas off of. Feel free to comment on any entry. Specific emails can be directed to archaelin@yahoo.com.



January 2005
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-The Scroll

Layout by: ...betsy!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Poetry madness!!!

and today shall henceforth be known as Über-poetry day! i'll post lots of poems for ya! (because i've forgotten to the last few days... ehh, heh) enjoy!


there's a tone in the day
between day and night
somewhere in the twighlight inbetween
that's only seen in the islands.
you have too look between the trees
and see through the branches,
using the needles as looking glasses
seeing into another world
of hues strewn above the sound.
burnt clouds bruise the headlands,
the promantory with a shiner,
comforter of Puget Sound,
pulls the waters up around it's shoulders.

when the sky cries...

pouring out from every eye
tearing from the soul of every one
falling from the sky of every scene
the clouds drop down their woe.

salt seeps from every pore
tears reign the sighs
darkened over, hiding its face
all rains, sky obscured
and the world weeps.

another rain poem

the day it rains so much
the ground shakes
and shivers
Is the day the leaves
break and shudder
and fall down dead.

the day you hit the wall

it had all just seemed so
black and white
from that day on,
like when you hit your head
and everything, just for a moment
loses its color.

it all just made
so much sense.
don't see why i didn't see it before,
plain in sight, right infront of me,
staring me in the face,
so simple,
it was like taking three lefts
to make it all right.

you were running at life,
head on, screaming,
your own battle cry to the world
as you took it on, ready to
take it to the ground,
put its weight on your shoulders.
you were ready.

and then you hit the wall,
faceplant stage-dive,
stopped in your tracks,
what could you do except look for a door?
you took the hard way out, climbing the wall,
going over and around it,
instead of through it,
opening the door.
you charged at life,
and it locked the door.

**note** all indents and tabs and cool spacing stuff i did for some of these poems got lost when it was translated into HTML... lovely... ah well... *sigh*

Archaelin at 9:46 AM



At 2/25/2005, Blogger Betsy said...

Deepandmeaningful.... ms. p (mrs. blue!) would be proud!

At 2/28/2005, Blogger Eemz said...

Is this alessandra?!?!?! (Hehe, I'm sorry if it's not! You can ignore me...lalalaa) OMJ!!


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=== think about it ===

Saturday, February 19, 2005
hmm... titles...

saturday... at last. hmm. this is gonna be a fast weekend... *sigh*... time just goes too fast down here...

so last night might just have been the evening where we made the worst. judgements. ever... but it was fun!
ok, so it's raining down here again, even thunder and lightning (woot!). so then my friend and i decide to go play lacrosse on the lower field. (smart move! holding big metal sticks in a lightning storm, running around an open field.) then we played for an hour or two with some other people, we even got some guys to come down, fun times. William's shorts started to foam in the rain because he put too much detergent in his laundry... bravo... then after playing (it's still raining thunder/lighting, by the way) we decide to go jump in the pool. smaaart. go jump in a pool holding a lacrosse stick (practical lightning rod) in a lightining storm. braaaavo! but hey, we're all still alive and kickin'. just shh!.... so yes, my evening of good judgement.

will post a poem later today (it's a surprise!!!) as i'm going to a POETRY WORKSHOP this morning!!!! YAAAAAY!!!!

Archaelin at 7:39 AM



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=== think about it ===

Thursday, February 17, 2005

hmm... thursday... of all of the days of the week, thursday has the coolest name... don't know why, i just think the word 'thursday' is cool... ehh... maybe the chocolate and sun chips is getting to me... and that melon i ate last night... heh... my template is somewhat messed up... dunno why or what it's done, but i'm tryin' to fix it... Betsy, help!! oh, and i'd love it if you'd EMAIL ME a copy of that cowgirl drawing of Lindsay's! pleeeease? :)

must be off to lunch now, i'll post a poem a bit later today. until then, go! be free my little bloggie-kins!

Archaelin at 11:22 AM



At 2/18/2005, Blogger Betsy said...

HAHAHAHA!! I've got a 4 day weekend!! PARTIES!!!


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=== think about it ===

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

ahhh... Valentine's Day... :-P
didn't get too much candy or many cards... actually, just from my prefect and one from Doug because I fed his horse... and then my friends and I just cut up magazines and made them from each other... crazy bunch of chicas that we are... it was fun, made me feel rather warm and fuzzy. then we had a Valentine Dance. there were assigned dates, but we had no idea who it was, it was a secret. so then at 8 a senior (gasp!) came and picked me up. it was pretty fun, he was in the play with me earlier this year. so then we got there, ate some cupcakes, then went our ways. fun times. they had a fog machine in the dining hall, but someone put the setting too high so we couldn;t even see, even with the doors open! so some of us just chilled outside. it was fun, until Adam, William P., Kelsey and I had a mini pizza fight... ah well.. it was fun. so then we just came back to the common room and watched some movie. then it was this morning. got up and fed the horse, went to breakfast where I made one killer waffle (yesss!) aand watched Spiderman 2. no school today 'cause we have a ''holiday.'' sweet! i have to do laundry... lovely. here's a more, well, warm and fuzzy poem for y'all in sight of yesterday.


On light air he comes riding,
the sighs of the two in the story
caught outside in the cold,
talking under the stars.

through the biting winds he drops
down onto the ground
walking with the mortals,
and the space around him lights up.

every step silent, like whispers
from one friend to another
laughing into the night
hiding in each other's ears.

some say love is fleeting,
hasty and irrational,
blind and running
with poor judgement.

to me, time slows,
and all there is to see,
the whispered footsteps
walking toward me.

Archaelin at 12:16 PM



At 2/15/2005, Blogger Betsy said...

... I miss you... happy belated valentine's day!


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=== think about it ===

Friday, February 11, 2005

friday at last! today was interesting... it felt decievingly like tuesday.. ehh.. ah well, at long last it's the weekend! today in english class Thomas, John, and Jack fell asleep reading "The Odyssey," then about 5 minutes later Thomas started snoring louder than I thought possible. ha! then just now as we were walking up to the barns, Will O. was giving Griffin a piggy back ride when his pants start to fall down (that's will for ya...), so Griffin, he just reaches down and pulls them up. gah! so funny... then Tim decided it would be funny to jump on top of Griffin to see if Will could carry both of their weights. of course, Will fell face forward. :P luckily, they were walking up a hill so they didn't actually fall. fun times, Alina and I tossed around with our lacrosse sticks while watching the guys Varsity soccer game. i'm going to dinner now, i'll post a poem for y'all later tonight! see ya then!

Archaelin at 5:26 PM



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=== think about it ===

ok, just testing out to see if the comments are working... la dee da.. have a nice friday! ^_^

Archaelin at 8:11 AM



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=== think about it ===

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

tee hee... beary funny... :P
... ok, bad pun... whatever... fun quiz some ausgate buddies showed me:

Funshine Bear
You are filled with unlimited energy and extremely resourceful. You like to tackle problems and tasks head-on and you gladly accept any jobs that come along the way. However, you often take on too much and your stubbornness won't allow you to accept help from others. But you're always willing to have a good time!

hmm... not so sure about the name... 'Funshine?'... but whatever... at least i'm not the pink love bear... :P

Archaelin at 8:51 PM



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=== think about it ===

Just editing the template and such... if stuff doesn't look right, just email me (the link is right below this post :) )

here's another poem for y'all. it's a shorter one, kind of spur of the moment. don't remember if i wrote it yesterday or he day before... no matter, life's all a blur anyway, just a second in eternity. enjoy!

Spinning into view

out of the white noise
meshing the screen,
concealing th cogs and gears behind
a picture comes spinning into view.

and then it's seen,
putting a foot out,
stopping to catch it's balance,
as it all becomes clear.

holding its head in its hands
looking at the ground,
getting a grip on things,
grasping a hold of not being in motion.

and it looks up, right at the screen
right into the eyes,
the glass plate between reality and the picture,
and it all comes spinning into view.

Archaelin at 9:52 AM



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=== think about it ===

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Yesterday we went into Santa Barbara and just hung around for a few hours. It was pretty fun, we found this cool little music store with records and cds, it reminded me a lot of something that would be on Haight Street in SF. Fun stuff. Then I had some ice cream and we sat in the square, just watching the world go by. People are funny. This is just a little fluff thinking back on last night.

Santa Barbara Lights

The dark streets lined with
bright locked doors,
what kind of person locks a kid
out of a chocolate shop?
It was only 7:30 pm.

Walking down the
not-so-deserted sidewalk,
it came alive at night,
chatting and bustling under the stars,
you could kind of see them
even with the streetlights.

Music coming through shop windows,
or a man on a bench with an empty guitar case,
the new-aged demo of a record shop blasting
an old lilting tune from a restaurant
or pulsing deep from a club.

Wandering the southern city,
friends flanking sides,
laughing at the world going by
under the Santa Barbara lights.

Archaelin at 9:36 AM



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=== think about it ===