Hello! I'm an art/film student and I currently reside in California. This is pretty much a notebook or corkboard to bounce ideas off of. Feel free to comment on any entry. Specific emails can be directed to archaelin@yahoo.com.



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-The Scroll

Layout by: ...betsy!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
clips and jingles

Hmm... just a few little thoughts and literary by-products of restless fingers. The following are NOT meant to be read as a poem, as they are just snippets. I was just too lazy to separate them, so... yes. Though you can read it all together if you so desire... whatever you will.

Make sure there are gold balloons at my funeral

The more we edge into the sound, the hazier the din beomes us
and the noises lap at the walls and push up sandcastles in the carpet.

We are rattling through,
the inner workings of our cogs and wheels
click slightly off-kilter,
chipping edges off of the teeth
and gears
until we are smooth and round
and slide past one another
barely a whisper between us.

We are so efficient.

Light to dark,
then back into the flirtatious light.
It winks at me and smiles.
It seduces me from the corner
that I have driven myself into.

"You die by what you live by,"
and so we live by nothing.

Will, then, we die?
By nothing.

We live on forever
and watch and count the ripples on the pond
face disturbed by wrinkles
and time.

Archaelin at 8:49 PM



At 11/09/2006, Blogger Adraea said...

these are amazing! Each little blurb could easily start/finish a poem in its own right. I love the rattling one - it reminds me of the robo-crack poem you did, was it last year? Lovely.

At 11/09/2006, Blogger Ellie said...

I loooove little snippets like these. I have an entire Word Document on my computer with all these lines I save in case I ever become inspired to make them into real poems (that's where my recent one came from, the candle one). Somehow, I think the little clips are better than poems themselves. Each of them hold so much possibility.

My favorite one is the gold balloons. The idea of gold balloons at a funeral... magnificent. That would make such a great poem.

Save these!


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=== think about it ===