Hello! I'm an art/film student and I currently reside in California. This is pretty much a notebook or corkboard to bounce ideas off of. Feel free to comment on any entry. Specific emails can be directed to archaelin@yahoo.com.






-The Scroll

Layout by: ...betsy!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

ok, so last friday i took part in a Poetry Jam. quite fun!! i think i'll have to do the next one, too ^_^
some of these poems might sound like fragments or might not make sense, but hey, it was a jam, we were kind of working off of each other's poems. go to The Scroll to read some more of the poems in the jam. those people rock my socks!
here are some of the poems i put into the jam:

((this one is about The Odyssey, the person before me wrote a poem about the sirens in it.))
far from home
traveling on
day passes into day
and it all repeats itself,
over and again,
ride one wave, then two
up, down, plunging deep the bow
and the odyssey continues.

((i don't like this one too much... ehh... it's about... umm... air?))
here to there is
all full of it.
between you and me,
that's what it is:
just air.

wall to wall, front to back
that's all that holds us together
the stale air we breathe.

((i really like this one!! :3 ))
i see but don't touch
want and cannot feel
just out of grasp and right up against me.

like a cookie jar on a
high shelf
and I, I the child
on a three-legged stool
on the tiled clay floor.

there it goes...

((Ode to the Jam! makes me really want ice cream sandwiches...))
it's a who's-it
a what's-it
that's-it, an it's-it.

wand'ring the halls
bouncing from the walls
staggering between,
rambling on through life.

unknown, i'm who's-it,
walking through where's-it
not knowing where to go next.

a cause, don't know what's-it
but on i go! ahead!
running at the who know's what:
my goal, aim high!

aha! there it is!
the that's-it i've found!
what i've been searching for
this whole when's-it time!

so that's it, like tag, who's it?
where's it? right here.
when's it? right now.
why's it? just 'cause.
what's it? let's jam!
it's it! jam on!

((ooooh, and angry poem! :) err, i mean, grr! >:-) ))
stirred and foaming
frothing red
it boils up my veins,

eyes narrowed,
stinging, staring,
burning those within their gaze
measuring them up and down,
sizing up the world,
plotting, scheming.

hot breaths,
tight fists,
knuckles white, shaking,
and rage lets fly.

((gotta love those card games... :) ))
pass the cards around,
one more deal,
once more around,
let's go.

jack, queen, ace, spade.
who's got the king?
straight? flush? full house?
toss in the chips,
one more go.

terrible draw,
it's all over now,
bluffing? no.
winning? impossible.
i fold.

((and to top it of, a love-ish poem!! yay! warm and fuzzy... kind of unlike me to write love poems, but whatever... ;) ))
some day
i don't know which yet
but some day i will,
i will tell you what i mean.

i'll tell you what i meant when i said
"you're funny," and threw leaves at you
and smiled, laughing
both of us.

some day i'll tell you what i was thinking when i
tackled you down to the ground,
joking with all of your friends, playing,
all of us.

then i'll tell you why i didn't say it before,
"i love you."
and we were silent, because i'd finally said it,
the truth.

some day,
i don't know which yet,
but some day i will,
i will tell you what i mean.

Archaelin at 2:16 PM



At 3/08/2005, Blogger Betsy said...

lovely!... as always!

*knocks on wood for thacher*

did you give them a good word for me!?... WELL DID YOU!!???


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=== think about it ===