this has been sitting on my desktop for a while, meant to send it out but never really did. and no it's not about anyone in particular!! i was just feeling fuzzy in general and thinking about corny movies... xP i don't really like the ending... it's too sudden... post suggestiong please!!
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to the one i love:
i do not know
if you know who you are,
but if you do,
then you know that whay i say
is true.
i like the way you smile,
and how when you do,
your eyes do, too.
just sitting next to you
makes my heart feel ticklish
like a cricket is in it,
jumping around as play.
the way the world is cold
and feels like nothing at all,
i just want to be warm, to be held
in your arms.
when i see you,
the world around me sings,
the words it's saying are my own,
or rather what i want to say,
but will you say it too?
finally, i love you.
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