Hello! I'm an art/film student and I currently reside in California. This is pretty much a notebook or corkboard to bounce ideas off of. Feel free to comment on any entry. Specific emails can be directed to archaelin@yahoo.com.






-The Scroll

Layout by: ...betsy!

Saturday, April 16, 2005
packing it all up

well, i found my swiss army knife! yay! it was in my closet under my laundry hamper... eh heh... ^_^;;
this is a... umm... weird poem for me. i was just thinking about my swiss army knife and this memory came to mind of once when i was camping in the desert and we were packing up the cooking supplies and, well, you can see what happens in the poem. long story short, i had a little cooking accident at the beginning of the trip and, since we were rick climbing, it just kinda got worse... xP.... i was kind of thinking about a book i read recently in class and how he personified a knife used for butchering an elk, i tried to fit in my own 'version' of that at the end, just experimenting with personification a bit... mehhh....

packing it all up

packing up the knives,
covering their blades with
make-shift sheaths
of cardboard and

sliding it rigidly over
a serrated bread-knife
ripping and tearing the threads
of the tape with a
noise and it's in.

hold them handle up,
pulling toward me by the cutting-end,
gathered in my hand and slid into a bag
head-first and shoved to the back.

i stick the serrated one, cover on,
handle-side into my back pocket
to pick up a dropped cooking knife.
i pick it up from the sand and clean it on the
side of my pants, then dust of my hands on the back,
forgetting the misplaced blade in my back pocket.

And rip--
the broken duct-tape strains against itself
and the shining silver has come through,
toothed and grinning like a hungry dog,
a starving wild cat in the desert,
parched dry by sun and howling wind,
satisfied jowls dripping wet into the sand,
and across my arm the jagged bite.

Archaelin at 11:22 PM



At 4/25/2005, Blogger Adraea said...

Very nice! I can definitely see the similarities between that experience and the one in the book! Hungry - that's certainly an intruiging word for a knife.....


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=== think about it ===