Hello! I'm an art/film student and I currently reside in California. This is pretty much a notebook or corkboard to bounce ideas off of. Feel free to comment on any entry. Specific emails can be directed to archaelin@yahoo.com.



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-The Scroll

Layout by: ...betsy!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that's right, it's time for another POETRY-TRIPPIN' DAY!!! w00t! Five poems in one sitting! whew! some of them are fuzzy-lovin', some of them are dark and cryptic, some have double-meanings, and some are just plain ramblings. One even spells out stuff with the first letter of each line! Enjoy!!

Indubitably Erroneous Nonsense

I wonder if
Nothing, indubitably,
Does ever hold true
Under thoughts that are free?
But the question remains
If you don't mind me saying
That 'nothing' remains
As but a game we are playing.
But still I wonder,
Like a storm without thunder,
You have already said, 'indubitably'.

The Fool (unfinished ^_^;; )

My brother is a slacker
and a hacker
and a fool.

He also is a joker
and likes poker
but he's cool.

He acts really quite funky
not a junkie
that's for sure.

His fingers, cards so quicky
really tricky
as it were.

Falling with you

Isn't it ironic how you ask me
to be your parachute before you jump?
How I'm always there to catch you when you fall,
your safety net as you tightrope-walk or swing from the trapeize?
Isn't it funny how you hold on to me
and I spread my arms, trying to catch hold of the wind and fly?
How I flap my hands against the empty air as we plummet in vain?
And I thought you were the one saving me.

The Cartographer

Don't walk with me
I might lead you astray.
I don't take the high road
or the well-beaten path.
I walk where there are no roads.

Don't walk with me,
or take my side.
I won't lead if you follow
and won't follow your lead.
Find your own way.

I don't make any maps
or leave a trace where I step.
There are no mile markers where I go.
I'll blaze my own trail,
but I'll still meet you on the other side.

... and now what I'm sure some of you have been waiting for, the fuzzy poem *cough*kelseyellie*cough* :)


"You were in my dream last night.
We were talking over breakfast,
as always."
You laughed, how typical,
and we kept talking,
recounting our dreams.
I made a joke that I had also dreamt of waterfowl.

Then there's the part I didn't tell you.

I dream about you every night.
I wish I could tell you,
I wish I had told you,
without seeming a hopeless cause,
without revealing what truly lies within my armored walls
of mind before heart.

But no, I can't. Not yet.
For now, we'll live as actors,
speaking the parts of a broken sonnet shared.

Archaelin at 2:53 PM



At 6/19/2005, Blogger Adraea said...

*Squee*! fuzzyfuzzyfuzzy...mwuahahahaha!
I love the poems - must have bad an extreme 20 minutes when writing them! More, more!
(if you can't tell, I'm on sugar high!)

At 6/19/2005, Blogger AWASTE said...

i can tell... meep. :P


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=== think about it ===

Friday, June 10, 2005
WHAT?! You have EMOTIONS?!?!?!!!!

oh good sweet lord above! what have you created! this crazy child is actually writing something with feeling! it has the "L" word in it! ahhhh!!!! and it RHYMES!! i haven't written a rhyming poem since the beginning of the year! dare I say it? It scares me to say so, but I will for those of you who might be a little on the slow side... gasp! could it be true? this person can feel love?! aww... i love all of you! so fuzzy... x3

I know (if anyone reads this) I'm gonna get some seeeerious talking to by some of you and a whole lot of making fun of... Ellie, Kelsey don't jump to conclusions!

yellow flowers

I'd always wanted someone to give me flowers
and hold my hand at night
saying words to make me smile
to tell me everything's alright.

Every first star I'd see
I'd make my wish and hope for true
and every evening, over again,
dreaming and praying just for you.

Walking on a dirt-worn path
I'd pick a daisy and ask its face
to 'love' or 'not,' its numbers would tell,
too far was I to ask your face.

I'd sing to the wind and cry to the sea
'Whatever will become of me?
Will no one watch to catch me when I fall?
No one to hear my searching call?
Tell me, please, will anyone give
me a single flower as long as I live?'

I'll give you yellow flowers
we'll stare up at the sky all day,
and tell you that you're beautiful
and everything's ok.

Archaelin at 2:29 PM



At 6/16/2005, Blogger Adraea said...

What do you mean I can't jump to conclusions! It's so obvious.....
heh, so you do have fuzzy moments - were you wearing your fuzzy sweatshirt when you wrote this?

At 6/19/2005, Blogger Ellie said...

Oh my! This poem.. is so cute! I won't make fun, I promise. =x I love it, wow, what a great.. ooh it just sums up all my feelings too.

I like this part:
"I'd sing to the wind and cry to the sea
'Whatever will become of me?"
the best. ^^


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=== think about it ===