Hello! I'm an art/film student and I currently reside in California. This is pretty much a notebook or corkboard to bounce ideas off of. Feel free to comment on any entry. Specific emails can be directed to archaelin@yahoo.com.






-The Scroll

Layout by: ...betsy!

Friday, July 29, 2005
alright, Kelsey

okie dokie Kelsey, this one's for you. you wanted a poem, here's a poem! It actually rhymes (gasp-o!), that's not something you get very often in my poems, and whey you do, it's either one of my funny joke poems or I'm feeling sappy, but this one's actually serious and rhymes! yay! ... well, only a little but sappy... ;P
now this took some skillZ (yes, with a Z)to get onto the blog, because I'm not using my comp (it's getting fixed at the Apple store, poor little Mac...) and I've been exiled into the land of PC users. Ahhh!! save me from the PCs!!!! x_X
so anyhoo, here's the poem. dunno what i was thinking about, but i was listening to Jack Johnson's Inbetween Dreams at the time then fell asleep drooling all over my pad of paper and pen, so... have a ball... :)

Before the Dream

Go to sleep
and drift from me.
Let go your feelings,
reeling free.
Fall away from yourself
and get lost in it all,
I'll be there to catch you
at your call.
Spread your mind
like sails to fly,
Open your heart
and arms, hold the sky.
Loosen your hands tight grasp
on the world,
Let is all slip
through your fingers unfurled.

Archaelin at 1:17 PM



At 7/29/2005, Blogger Adraea said...

Aw, squee! *glomps* love it!
By the by, is that a *gasp* typo in the second to last line? Not sure, but ya might want to check that....
Thankies, I've been in need of a good poem!
Were you wearing your fuzzy sweatshirt when writing it? *looks suspicious*
goodgood! Loved it!

At 7/30/2005, Blogger AWASTE said...

umm, nope, that's supposed to be 'grasp.' you grasp something with your hand, not gasp it. ;P

and yes, i was wearing my fuzzy... 0_o

At 8/04/2005, Blogger Ellie said...

It's really good! I love it! You guys are such amazing poets, I'm so jealous. D:

At 8/21/2005, Blogger Adraea said...

nono, in the second to last line

"Let is all slip"

let is or let it?

and ellie-me-love, you are just as good a poet as I am (wait, that's not that good...) well, better, so don't be jealous!


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