Hello! I'm an art/film student and I currently reside in California. This is pretty much a notebook or corkboard to bounce ideas off of. Feel free to comment on any entry. Specific emails can be directed to archaelin@yahoo.com.






-The Scroll

Layout by: ...betsy!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005
a sudden love of books??

nah, i've always loved books and all, I just realized, though, that there's a clump of poems I wrote a while ago and they all have this odd connection to books... oh well... i wrote these sometime last month, but never got to posting them. The first one is a funky rhyme, kind of mocking in a way. The second one... well, I dunno what I was thinking. Just asking myself about memories and dreams, and how as much as you want to return to those memories, you can't, and the closest you will ever get to returning to your past is through your dreams. ... wow, that little analysis right there was deeper than the poem itself... ha!! guess I did learn something in english class... :P

This Moment

Just the same old story
I've heard it before
put it down in different words
I know just what's in store.
Use your mind, imagine that,
that's not a metaphor,
just stop and think, why else,
there's a reason it's a bore.
Clever one, why don't you see
this life is just a parody
for something more.

My Own Bookkeeping

I do not read books very much anymore,
rather, it seems I've read them all,
a uniformity they've become.
These days, I read my memories,
all scrawled upon my mind,
enscibed across my thoughts,
and etched into my dreams.
I believe in memories,
but as dreams, alas, they must remain,
for memories, when do they become
realities once more?

Archaelin at 2:52 PM



At 8/10/2005, Blogger Ellie said...

I really like both of them. Man, you're such a good poet! I especially like the first. I can relate. I love the ending lines.. a parody for something more. It's thought-provoking. <3 I luff them!

At 8/10/2005, Blogger Ellie said...

Constructive criticism-

The first poem, I think the rhythm is off in a few places. It's a bit distracting, but it might be just me.

The second I couldn't find anything to change. Suggestion for the last few lines:
but as dreams, alas, they must remain,
for memories, when do they become
realities once more?

Instead of "once more", how about "again"? It rhymes with remain and it sort of ends it.

I dunno, just my thoughts! x3 I still like them just how are they are!


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=== think about it ===