Hello! I'm an art/film student and I currently reside in California. This is pretty much a notebook or corkboard to bounce ideas off of. Feel free to comment on any entry. Specific emails can be directed to archaelin@yahoo.com.






-The Scroll

Layout by: ...betsy!

Saturday, March 18, 2006
exploring devices

so... i decided to explore some literary devices i don't usually use. basically, a self-imposed writing excercise. difficult, yet fun!
behold! the fruits of my toil! ooooh, three of them! :D

The Triolet

I say the world is full of ink
And gasping paper wanting words
Bone-wet and dripping dry, I think,
I say the world is full of ink.
I'll be the vehicle and wink
Counting as I write the thirds
I say the world is full of ink
And gasping paper wanting words.

Sell Your Light

Frieze me
Caste me away enbronzed
Then come
Chisel me out of my bloc
And let me run rampant through boarders
And learn they're stories.

Plaster me up and let me set
Out with the son of the Dei
And moon over the water.

I am colored and reflected
Mired in a mirror of foggy "I"s
All self-centralized and automatic
Eye see and know all
The planets: all allied with me.

Align me up with ruler strait
Though narrow minded in the aisles
That box me into my cel.


Watch me
Put on a mask and
Fake my way through
Romeo and
Improvise 'til the lights go down
And the curtain comes up and
They'll all see my Grand
Watch me
Go at it fighing and lying through my
I'm just putting on a show for the
Royalty that's out there watching my
Every Single

I apologize for my poor manners, My
Eloquence is not such that is suitible for such
Honorable personage as yourself, I
Beseech you, I
Ask for
Pardon, I am
Just simpleminded.

I bow to them.

Feel my
Spitfire Grin
Singeing the porcelain
Veneer that covers the
Festering dog.

Archaelin at 9:58 PM



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=== think about it ===