Hello! I'm an art/film student and I currently reside in California. This is pretty much a notebook or corkboard to bounce ideas off of. Feel free to comment on any entry. Specific emails can be directed to archaelin@yahoo.com.






-The Scroll

Layout by: ...betsy!

Friday, August 01, 2008
Holy Canoli, Generic Superhero Man!

So I nearly pooped my pants when I found a hidden link to a blog by my past (and much more pathetic) self. I tell you, it was scary. Then I realized that I'd gone through the entire month of January (and February, March, April, May, June, and July) without realizing I didn't post on January 11th, which has kind of been a "thing" that I always do. Like a yearly check-up. And you know what? It wasn't a huge deal. At all. It made me realize that I've really and definitely changed. A lot. It didn't even phase me. It was... awesome.

What's more? I fucking love life. Sure, there are moments when it really (REALLY) sucks, but if I just tune it out and think about the people and places that I love, well then life is awesome (at least, inside my brain it is). So... maybe that actually makes me look more pathetic, but you know what? I don't care. I'm happy in my dreams.

Dreams are awesome and horrible. They are rarely true but always have the potential to be. And even if they never come to fruition, well then I will always have my dreams.

I have truly left an old life behind and now I am flying.

Thank you.

EDIT:: I nearly forgot!! Poems for you. A little old (but only by a few months). Haha!

And no title for you!! It's not important, anyway. My title. MINE!

I never smile with my teeth and
Neither do you. We’ve got a smirk-like
That no one really knows if we’re devious or
Know something funny that no one else does.

We’ve got these rough-like hands that can
Also be kind of soft, but only
If we want them to be. I kind of want them
To be rubbed together with yours and some tinder and
Maybe just maybe we’ll start a fire and
Burn down the whole damn house.

We are the whole damn house.

We are the walls and the floor and the windows
That keep us cool in the day and warm at night.

We are the loud-barking laughs in the hallway and
The creaks in the wood board underfoot—we walk barefoot.

We are close-mouthed smiles and nefarious eyes.
Catch me looking, I dare.

Archaelin at 1:41 AM



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=== think about it ===